MusiqCITE, Ville de Luxembourg
Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg 33, rue Charles Martel, Luxembourg, LuxembourgEnjoy music and culinary delights on Friday 1 December 2023, when the eleventh edition of “MusiqCITE – Intercultural, musical and citizen meetings” will take place at the Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg, in Luxembourg-Hollerich.
Starting at 19:00, amateur music groups will perform music, dancing and singing on stage. After the performances, the City of Luxembourg will host a reception offering a diverse selection of international delicacies.
As this event is part of the programme of awareness-raising actions organised by the City of Luxembourg in the field of integration, who could be better suited than Ô2Continents to provide some of our “Saveurs Métissées”? Like the activities of this programme, our cultural cuisine builds bridges between continents to encourage exchange between people of different backgrounds and to promote diversity.
The entry is free, but reservation is required due to limited spots. Agenda and registration via: https://www.vdl.lu/fr/actualites/musiqcite-rencontres-interculturelles-musicales-et-citoyennes
Reservations can also be made via tel.: +352 4796-4150 or via email: integratioun@vdl.lu. A live broadcast will be available on www.vdl.lu.
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